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  • Writer's pictureabiskye4

K for Kleboe

As an author published by a small indie press, it's been really hard to get my book, The Golden Feather, in physical bookshops. So I was overjoyed this week to see my book on the shelves of the kids section in Carmina Gadelica, a fab independent bookshop in Portree, Isle of Skye, my home town!

As a new author, this is one of those pinch-me moments, that my book is out there for kids to pick if they are browsing. To know my book is there amongst all the other children's books, is an amazing feeling. I wonder who is going to pick my book to take home and hope they will treasure it!

And this is a call to other independent bookshops to take a risk; try selling books that aren't just from established authors. It helps to widen the diversity of books out there for kids.

Thank you again to everyone who has bought a copy so far, it means so much to me.

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